Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Inaugural Post

If any of you are somewhat confused about what this blog is, .... well, first of all, if anyone is reading this and is confused about what this blog is... you're not alone.  I, myself, am confused.  You see, I've been a music lover for a long long time.  I've tried to take up 2 instruments at multiple times in my life, and, simply put, just never got to the point where I  could play.  I was one of those guys who could play 1 or 2 songs on piano, so I told girls I know how to play piano.  That way, if they tested me, I could come through.  Worked every time.  (Just go with it)

But it's not just music that I love, it's a specific type of music.  Yes, I do love most genres of music, bar a few.  No offense to those country lovers out there, but country music just doesn't do it for me.  And don't worry: I won't even have the audacity to mention that I like Taylor Swift as country music singer. Shoot, I basically just did.  Oops.

The music that really gets me going is film music.  Some call it film scores, some call it soundtracks.  Call it what you want, I really don't care.  It's the art of music in movies.

I'll have to extend credit to my big brother for getting me into film scores.  He used to listen to them and I did what all little brothers do when their big brothers do anything - I copied him.  For a while that was the extent of my illustrious film score listening career. But gradually (and I can't really put a finger on a specific time or film that did it for me) I got more and more into the music.  I started a film music pandora station to find new film music, started researching composers and their films.  I guess you could say I was officially inducted into film score fandom.  Let's call it the year 2005 at this point.

Fast forwarding to the end of my high school and beginning of college, my fanatics were getting pretty serious.  I was listening to the music of movies I hadn't even seen yet, I was even seeing movies because of the music in their trailers!  I had to do something about it.  So for years I tried - and failed - to learn how to play film themes on piano.  It was probably due to lack of consistent practice, I'll admit.  I applied to work at a music production company that only does film scores.  No experience = no dice.  And I was out of options.

So a few months ago my brother-in-law said "Hey Al, why don't you write a column in a newspaper to review film scores?"  What a great idea!  There's just 1 problem with that: no experience = no dice. Plus, I've never written anything for people to read in my life.

So here I am with the inaugural post on this blog, not even sure where the blog is going, and knowing that I don't need experience or awesome writing to post on this beautiful thing they call the internet.  Maybe I'll review new film scores every week, maybe I'll talk about old film scores I really love.  Maybe I won't have time to post anything else ever.  Who knows.  All I can say to you readers and myself is:
Stay Tuned.

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